Our instructors are qualified professional, university trained instructors and native-speakers who take pride in immersing students in a foreign language. They are trilingual, share a passion for languages and provide instruction through an engaging set of media interactive games, songs, art projects, total physical response and classical games. Our team of educators are either linguists who hold Bachelor's degree with certifications or Master's degree or are credentialed teachers. They are dedicated to provide our students with high quality instruction in a joyful environment.
Our pedagogical team come from seven different countries and has extensive teaching experience in well established language institutions and/or universities, colleges or schools in the US and abroad. They have been living in at least three countries and can relate to the cultural differences and the challenges that a second or third language learning implies. In addition to listening and speaking activities carried throughout the sessions, the language learning experience is further expanded by using the web.
Our instructors are like-minded professionals who share the same vision as how a language learning should be by providing positive guidance. As any teacher within a school district, our instructors meets all state required conditions of employment including Live-scan and TB clearance.

For younger students, instructors provide a nurturing, welcoming environment where they are engaged while keeping in mind the discovery and fun aspects of learning. For older students, a fun yet academic atmosphere where they are expected to complete tasks and homework. They are challenged in many ways that allow them to advance in their language acquisition. We create a multilevel learning environment where new students learn from peer-models while more experienced students build leadership skills.
We take pride in keeping the communication open at all time with the parents and ensure that they are aware of their kids daily learning progress. All students are challenged to develop comprehension and verbal skills first then reading and writing skills.
Adult classes, are tailored to students who might have had a previous exposure to the language and the curriculum is adjusted to their particular interest. Themes are established for health care, legal and paralegal, business, etc...
The opportunities to expand your learning and indulge
your passion for languages and cultures will be fulfilled at Bay Language Academy.